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Tiger I Tank Model, German Army, sPzAbt 502 - Corgi CC60513

Tiger I Tank Model, German Army, sPzAbt 502 - Corgi CC60513 - click to enlarge
Tiger I Tank Model, German Army, sPzAbt 502 - Corgi CC60513 - click to enlarge

Item No. CG-CC60513
Availability: Sold Out


Corgi Die-cast Model

Panzerkampfwagen VI 'Tiger I' Tank - No. 100, Schwere Panzerabteilung 502 (sPzAbt 502) , German Army, Leningrad Sector, WWII, Late 1942

1:50 Scale.  Length: 5”.   Width: 2.8”

Limited Edition of 1,700 Models Worldwide

Even though the Panzerkamfwagen Tiger heavy tank was only used in relatively small numbers during WWII, its fearsome reputation and sinister appearance ensured it is regarded as the most famous tank of the WWII. Another tank developed as a result of Wehrmacht experiences on the Eastern Front, the Tiger may not have shared the cultured appearance of the Panther, but this was a war machine pure and simple and one which was devastatingly effective. Heavily armored and equipped with the powerful 88mm gun, the sighting optics on the Tiger were so effective that enemy tanks could be destroyed at great distances and well before they were in range to return fire. By the time of the D-Day landings, the reputation of the Tiger was already assured, but even though they managed to inflict heavy losses on Allied armored units, their small numbers were swamped by an overwhelming tide of Allied armored numerical superiority. Unable to control the battlefield, damaged and unserviceable Tiger tanks were simply abandoned to be captured by advancing Allied troops.

Spz.Abt.502 Heavy Tank Battalion is distinguished by the fact that it was the first to deploy the new Tiger 1 in combat. Formed in August 1942, the battalion arrived at the Leningrad front and soon began to use its Tigers in battle. The turret carries the unit’s famous mammoth insignia.

Corgi is a leading manufacturer of high quality, pre-built, diecast models. Each model is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using the specifications of the original vehicle. Corgi models are constructed with precision-made diecast metal and some plastic components.

Category: Corgi Military Vehicles

Not suitable for children under the age of 14 years

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