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B-17G Flying Fortress, USAAF, ‘Snake Hips’ - Corgi AA33320

B-17G Flying Fortress, USAAF, ‘Snake Hips’ - Corgi AA33320 - click to enlarge
B-17G Flying Fortress, USAAF, ‘Snake Hips’ - Corgi AA33320 - click to enlarge

Item No. CG-AA33320
Availability: Sold Out


Corgi Aviation Archive Series Diecast Model

Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress – 42-31713 (UX-T) ‘Snake Hips’, 327th BS, 92nd BG, USAAF, RAF Podington, August 24, 1944

1:72 Scale.  Length: 12.4”.  Wingspan: 17.25”

Limited Edition of 1,124 Models Worldwide

B-17G Flying Fortress 42-31713 ‘Snake Hips’ arrived at the USAAF’s 92nd Bombardment Group base at Podington in February 1944 and quickly benefitted from a name and nose artwork that her crew hoped would bring them luck in the air battles to come. The B-17 saw extensive action over the next few months and brought her crew through relatively unscathed, until undertaking a mission to the heavily defended synthetic oil plant at Leuna on August 24, 1944.

On the run to the target, ‘Snake Hips’ took a direct 88mm flak hit in the bomb bay and while the explosion did not detonate the bombs, it did blow a gaping hole in the side of the fuselage and start a fire that threatened to engulf the bomber. The B-17 dropped out of formation and headed for home, but on attempting to jettison the bombs, several ‘hung’ and members of the crew were forced to deactivate them, in the midst of all this airborne chaos.

With two engines out and the pilot heading for the relief landing airfield at RAF Woodbridge, he ordered his crew to parachute to safety, knowing he could not leave his station and fearing the landing may result in their injury. Fortunately, he managed to land the bomber without further incident and ‘Snake Hips’ became one of the most heavily damaged B-17s to make it back to the U.K. during the Second World War.

Corgi is a leading manufacturer of high quality, pre-built, die-cast model airplanes. Every model is crafted with meticulous attention to details, using specifications of the original aircraft. Corgi models are made with precision-made diecast metal and some plastic components.

This model of a B-17 Flying Fortress features:

  • Detailed crew figures
  • Realistic panel lines and antennas
  • Historically accurate printed graphics
  • Opening bomb bay doors
  • Rotatable propellers
  • Rotatable gun turrets
  • Moving rear/ventral gun(s)
  • Optional extended landing gear
  • Display stand
  • Collector card
  • Box with B-17 artwork

  • Shipping for this item is available only within the continental USA

    Category: Corgi 1:72 U.S. Military Aircraft Models

    Not suitable for children under the age of 14 years

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