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Fokker E.III Model, Ernst Udet - Corgi AA28703

Fokker E.III Model, Ernst Udet - Corgi AA28703 - click to enlarge
Fokker E.III Model, Ernst Udet - Corgi AA28703 - click to enlarge

Item No. CG-AA28703
Availability: Sold Out


Corgi Aviation Archive Series Die-cast Model

Fokker E.III Eindecker – 105/15, Vfw. Ernst Udet, Kampfeinsitzer Kommando, Germany, March 1916 (WWI)

1:48 Scale.  Length: 6”.  Wingspan: 7.8”

Limited Edition of 1000 Models Worldwide

Ernst Udet's introduction as a fighter pilot proved to be just as eventful as his reconnaissance posting. Flying a Fokker Eindecker, he chose to ignore combat instructions and attack a French aircraft head on. As the two aircraft closed at speed, Udet inexplicably froze. The French airman did not miss his opportunity and fired on the German aircraft, with a bullet grazing Udet's cheek and shattering his flying goggles, but failing to score a decisive victory.

Udet escaped this encounter relatively unscathed, but resolved to never give his opponent such a chance again and fly decisively and aggressively when in combat, perfecting his fighting style and to become an ace airman at the earliest opportunity. It is thought that Udet may have scored his first aerial victory while flying Fokker Eindecker EIII 105/15 in March 1916 and on landing he was immediately promoted to the rank of Vizefeldwebel.

Ernst Udet would quickly demonstrate his flying skill and made good on the promise he made to himself. With his victory tally standing at 20, he was visited by a rather famous flying celebrity, a man who wanted him to join his celebrated Flying Circus and when you’re approached by a man such as Manfred von Richthofen, you definitely don't decline such an opportunity.

Having witnessed Ernst Udet shooting down an Allied artillery spotter during their first combat sortie, von Richthofen immediately gave his new recruit command of his old squadron, Jasta 11 and he would not regret the faith he showed in him. Udet would end the war with 62 confirmed victories, the most successful Great War ace to survive the conflict and second only in number to the great von Richthofen himself.

The world's first true dedicated fighter aircraft, the Eindecker introduced an effective interrupter gear system, which allowed the pilot to fire through the arc of the propeller and in his line of sight, making targeting of an enemy aircraft much easier. Its introduction led to a devastating period of aerial supremacy for the Luftstreitkräfte which became known as the 'Fokker Scourge' however, despite the horrendous toll the Eindecker took of Allied aircraft, its destructive impact could have been so much worse.

Initially, German High Command would not allow their new aircraft to be flown near Allied lines for fear the secrets of their new fighter would be discovered and resulted in many simply being used to chaperone reconnaissance aircraft. Also, the handling characteristics of the Eindecker could prove extremely challenging for the pilot, with its flight control systems having changed little from those employed by the Wright Brothers during their famous flight of 1903 – it required a pilot's undivided attention all the time.

Corgi is a manufacturer of high quality, pre-built, diecast display models. Every model is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using the specifications of the original aircraft or vehicle. This model is made with diecast metal and some plastic components.

This model of a Fokker E.III features:

  • Die-cast metal fuselage
  • Detailed pilot figure
  • Historically accurate paint scheme and printed graphics
  • Fine rigging detail
  • Rotatable propeller with wood grain effect
  • Fixed position landing gear
  • Display stand
  • Collector card
  • Boxed

  • Category: Corgi Biplane and Triplane Aircraft Models

    Not suitable for children under the age of 14 years

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