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F-4K Phantom FG.1 Model, Royal Navy, No. 892 NAS - Corgi AA27901

F-4K Phantom FG.1 Model, Royal Navy, No. 892 NAS - Corgi AA27901 - click to enlarge
F-4K Phantom FG.1 Model, Royal Navy, No. 892 NAS - Corgi AA27901 - click to enlarge

Item No. CG-AA27901
Availability: Sold Out


Corgi Aviation Archive Series Diecast Model

McDonnell Douglas F-4K Phantom FG.1 – XT864/007R, No. 892 NAS, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, HMS Ark Royal, November 1978

1:48 Scale.  Length: 14.4".  Wingspan: 9.6"

Limited production of approximately 2,500 models worldwide

Although the history of British aviation can boast many famous airplanes among its ranks, there can be few that were as visually striking as the mighty Phantom FG.1s of the Royal Navy, which operated from the diminutive deck of HMS Ark Royal. In the seconds prior to launch, and while connected to the ship’s steam catapult, the aircraft’s nose wheel oleo would be extended to its maximum 40 inch position giving the FG.I a distinct nose up attitude to increase the efficiency of engine thrust. With the maximum afterburner selected and the engine power almost melting the ship’s deck the Phantom was finally released from its shackles and roared into the air. Although most of us will have only seen the operation of Ark Royal’s Phantoms on video or in reference books, these images left such an indelible impression that Britain’s Rolls Royce Spey powered Phantoms have become something of an enigma and still command huge enthusiast interest to this day.

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a two-seat twin-engine jet fighter originally developed for the U.S. Navy in the 1950s. Proven to be highly adaptable, it also became a major part of the air wings of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force. The Phantom was used extensively by all three of these services in the Vietnam War, serving as the principal fighter / bomber for the Navy and Air Force and in ground-attack and reconnaissance roles. The F-4 Phantom II was also sold to and operated by the armed forces of 11 other nations.

The Corgi Aviation Archive features a wide selection of high quality, ready-made diecast model airplanes. Each model is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, using specifications of the original aircraft. Corgi models are built with diecast metal and some plastic components.

This model of an F-4K Phantom FG.1 features:

  • Detailed cockpit with crew figures
  • Realistic panel lines and antennas
  • Historically accurate pad printed graphics
  • Removable weapons and fuel tanks (drop tanks)
  • Optional extended landing gear
  • Display stand
  • Box with F-4 Phantom artwork

  • Category: Corgi 1:48 Non-U.S. Military Aircraft Models

    Not suitable for children under the age of 14

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